Thorsten works at Cloud Imperium Games in Frankfurt, Germany as Lead System Designer.
He studied Physics at the LMU in Munich and Computer Science at Fernuniversität Hagen.
His career started as tester at Ubisoft Blue Byte for the Fitness Game Fit in Six/
My Fitness Coach Club. Directly after he was promoted to Lead Tester for the Nintendo
WiiU launch title Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2013.
After shipping the last Fitness game from Ubisoft Blue Byte, Thorsten started to work as Game Designer on the mobile game Assassin’s Creed Identity on iOS and Android. Where he was responsible for mission scripting and enemy/combat balancing.
Directly after, Thorsten got the opportunity to start a research and development project in VR as the only Game Designer. The success of the R&D work led up to several VR experiences that the team was allowed to work on.
The first title the team released in 2018 is called Escape the Lost Pyramid followed by Beyond Medusa’s Gate and the latest installment Prince of Persia: The Dagger of Time. All these VR games are based on the Escape Game principe and are Location based VR experiences.
From 2020 on he was the responsible Game Designer for Accessiblity and Comfort for Assassins Creed Nexus. He went back of doing important R&D work, to come up with solutions for Motion Sickness and other problems players might face in VR applications.
In 2021 Thorsten left Ubisoft to join Cloud Imperium Games to work on Star Citizen as Senior System Designer.
In 2022 he got promoted to Lead Systems Designer leading the EUPU-team.
The teams is responsible for the majority of the industrial professions and other features in the Star Citizen universe.
In 2024 he transitioned to the Core Gameplay Pillar System Design team to overlook all System Designers for Cloud Imperium Games as Lead System Designer.